

英漢字典: wear away

1. disappear gradually through wear磨損

    The inscriptions on the stones have worn away. 石頭上的碑文已經被磨損了。

    The footsteps of thousands of visitors had worn away the steps. 台階已經被成千上萬參觀者的腳步磨平了。

2. be reduced until it disappears慢慢地消失

    He could feel pain again as the medicine wore away. 藥性消退後,他又感到疼痛了。

    My patience is almost worn away by her endless complaints. 她不停的抱怨已使我幾乎無法忍耐了。

3. (of time)pass slowly;(vigour,etc. )fade away(時間)慢慢地消逝;(精力等)衰退

    Don'k wear away your youth in trifles!不要虛度年華。

    The long winter wore away. 漫長的冬天過去了。

    Being in prison for many years has wore away the prisoner's resistance. 多年呆在監獄裡已經把那個罪犯的反抗精神給消磨掉了。

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